
MA 研究生项目


Cultivate a vision for higher education that is rooted in a Christian view of life in a 程序 that examines the contexts of its theological, 哲学, 历史, 以及社会学基础


The Master of Arts (MA) in 高等教育 degree at Geneva prepares students to approach learning and working in higher education from a foundation that is grounded in biblical truth, 信仰与学习的结合, 对专业标准的全面检查, 研究, 跨学科性, 和奖学金, 以及对上帝国度和创造的多样性的爱.

Through an interdisciplinary graduate curriculum and contextualized learning experiences led by supportive faculty and staff, 您将学习如何在高等教育领域成为一名有眼光的专业人士的基础知识.






The Master of Arts in 高等教育 程序 at 新濠天地app大学 offers a foundational approach to learning about higher education and building capacity for professional practice in the field that is grounded in the following:


Students in the Master of Arts in 高等教育 程序 are taught from the perspective that students in the 程序 and others with whom they work are image bearers of the Creator. 这告诉了新濠天地app教什么和如何教. The goal is that our students would view their professional practice with people and view the institutions of higher learning where they work as spheres of God’s redemptive activity.


We approach learning and our professional practice with college students and colleagues with a deep sense of humility, 体贴, 和好奇心. We integrate faith with learning so that our thinking about higher education is filled with meaning and purpose. 新濠天地app承认,只有通过信仰,新濠天地app才能最终获得真正的知识, 智慧, and understanding of how we can fully participate in God’s call for our careers and work in higher education.

“对上帝的理解, 人类, 和宇宙的相互联系”(基础概念), 1967)

在高等教育硕士课程, 新濠天地app的目标是激励未来的高等教育专业人士成为称职的, 有创意的, 在他们的职业中有目标的通才. 这有助于扩大新濠天地app在该领域的专业实践的可能范围和影响.

同时, 程序 curriculum is design to provide depth of 知识 and meaningful experience in specific areas within higher education. 新濠天地app要求所有学生在课程中参与情境化学习体验. 这可以通过校园或合作机构的研究生助教奖学金来实现, through the professional practice of those already employed in higher education and enrolled in the Institute model, 或者通过其他实习. Contextualized learning enhances scholarly 知识 and practical professional skills in particular areas of higher education.


Obtaining your master’s degree in higher education means engaging in 研究-based professional practices, 来自基督教和公立新濠天地app和大学的受人尊敬的学者的作品. 学生将被塑造成有思想的实践者, 主管教育工作者, 以及熟练的领导者, 知识able in a breadth of theories and practices that inform the work of higher education and the student affairs profession.


该项目的学生将研究新濠天地app以外许多学科的研究和奖学金, 包括神学, 哲学, 社会学, 历史, 人力和组织发展, 和更多的. The curriculum also encourages students to think of the relationships that higher education has with other societal agencies (e.g. 教会、家庭、媒体、政府等.)


The Master of Arts in 高等教育 程序 aims to train professionals who can discern and implement what is good, 正确的, 高等教育也是如此. Students will learn how to understand and respond to changing dynamics in the higher education landscape from biblical 智慧 and faith in Christ Jesus.


新濠天地app的希望是,在高等教育硕士课程的学生学会寻求神和他的话语第一, 并热爱上帝在人们和机构的生活中所带来的多样性. 学生将装备为上帝和邻居服务的终身使命.


获得高等教育硕士学位意味着你获得了接受教育所需的工具, 引领, 咨询, 或者在高等教育领域创造有价值的信息. 课程以基督教信仰的改革传统为基础, a MA in 高等教育 allows you to explore new heights of success under the guidance of faculty who consider the implications of this perspective on work in colleges and universities.


  • Articulate the relevance and application of a Christian view of life to the study and practice of higher education.
  • 在神学背景下理解当代高等教育的轮廓, 哲学, 历史, 以及社会学基础.
  • 在高等教育环境中倡导和示范一种全面的方法, 特别强调大学生在课堂内外的成功.
  • 发展的信念, 知识, 的态度, 以及反映根植于基督教圣召的职业身份的技能.
  • 有效沟通, 在写作和口语上, 在高等教育领域内对某一特定主题进行探索的结果.

达到高等教育硕士学位要求的600小时相关工作经验, 学生可以选择最适合自己的学习形式. 加入队列模式意味着学生将在两年内毕业, while students enrolled in the 研究所模型 — made for working professionals — may graduate at or after two years.



Cohort students—often those serving as graduate assistants—typically take three on-campus classes each semester, 每周二晚上上每周一次的课, 除了第一学期周四晚上的课和后一学期的一门新濠天地app课程.


新濠天地app模式是为在职专业人士设计的. 这种低住院模式的学生只有一周的时间, 夏季参加校内课程,学年期间参加网络课程.


This part-time model offers students the opportunity to complete the degree by choosing courses at their own pace as they are offered, 直到所有项目要求在最多七年内得到满足.


The Master’s in 高等教育 requires students who enroll in the 队列模型 to engage in a graduate assistantship or practicum experience. 研究生 assistantships are normally nine-month positions requiring a minimum of 20 hours a week and are generally renewable for a second year.

Students with graduate assistantships are paid a monthly stipend and receive one-third reduction in 程序 tuition while they are employed as a graduate assistant.

Only students who have completed applications for the MA in 高等教育 Program will be considered for these positions. 虽然没有申请截止日期, 新濠天地app鼓励学生在3月15日之前申请所有GA职位. 较晚的申请者可能会有较少的研究生助教机会.

校园面试将于3月至5月举行. 更多信息请发邮件至hed@pulounge.com



第二种满足队列模式要求的方式是通过150小时的实习经历. 虽然实习是一个无薪职位,但学生仍将获得学费减免. 这次实习对M来说是一次极好的机会.A. 从事校外工作的高等教育学生, 由于这种模式只需要四个单元的实习(每个学期). Each practicum experience is equivalent to 150 hours and students are only required to work a minimum of 10 hours per week.

Both the assistantship and practicum 程序s occur in a variety of professional settings: campus ministry, 职业服务, 学生活动和节目, 居住生活, 评估, 学习支持, 教学助理, 训练, 等.


以指导新濠天地app如何在高等教育中学习和工作的核心思想为基础, our vision and aim is to develop perceptive and principled 引领ers who strengthen the college or university environment.


获得高等教育硕士学位为工作场所打开了新的可能性之门. 你是否决定追求高等教育教学, 其他面向学生的角色, 或者想要扩展到行政职位, 高等教育的研究生学位可以让你承担领导责任, 研究, 或在以下工作环境中担任教育领域的咨询角色:

  • 学术顾问
  • 学术事务
  • 行政领导
  • 招生
  • 校友关系
  • 评估
  • 体育运动
  • 校园部
  • 职业服务
  • 训练
  • 高校教学
  • 远程教育
  • 多元化和包容性
  • 登记管理
  • 金融援助
  • 机构发展
  • 机构事务
  • 国际学生事务
  • 领导力发展
  • 市场营销
  • 政策规划
  • 项目管理
  • 居住生活
  • 服务学习
  • 学生事务
  • 学生活动
  • 出国留学
  • 学生会

适合有特殊日程安排需求的学生, we work with you to ensure that you can fulfill all 程序 requirements through 这两个 models with an extended timeframe. 请随时与新濠天地app讨论您的情况.


探索MAHE (4+1).5项目)

Juniors and seniors at 新濠天地app大学 have the opportunity to take up to three courses in our Master of Arts in 高等教育 (马埃) 程序. 这个项目允许本科生, 未来的MAHE学生, 探索高等教育领域,确定该计划是否适合他们的职业召唤. 本科学生 应用 并被录取 探索马希 课程可以获得学分 这两个 本科和研究生学位. 那些继续在新濠天地app进行研究生学习的人受益于 可节省攻读高等教育硕士学位所需时间和学费的四分之一.


有经验的 & 完成教师


进一步了解新濠天地app的 高等教育硕士学位 程序




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